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Templates for Earth Science Division (Appendix A) ROSES proposals

ROSES-25 A.58 INNOVATE Templates for the "slide deck brief"

ROSES-25 program element A.58 INNOVATE calls for an anonymized "Slide Deck Brief" to be included in the proposal PDF, preceding the S/T/M Section. Here we provide a template in various formats.

Summary Table of Work Effort

Some Earth Science ROSES program elements (CMS, Biodiv, GEDI ST...) strongly recommend the use of this standard template for the Summary Table of Work Effort. Below you may download this templates in a few different formats. If you have questions about these templates you may direct those to Keith Gaddis at

ESD Work Effort.pdf

ESD Work Effort.xlsx

ESD Work Effort.doc

New Formats for Biographical Sketches and Current and Pending Support

A Biographical Sketch (CV) is required for the PI and Co-Is, see Section 10.5 of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual, which may be found at

There are no longer any page limits for CV/Biosketch. Proposers are expected to use the new NASA grants policy provided format for Biosketch. Current and pending support is required for the PI and Co-Is who would devote >10% of their time in any given year to the proposed work. Similarly, proposers are expected to use the new NASA grants policy provided format for current and pending support. See the grants policy list of requirements for what to include (PDF).

See also the NASA grants policy YouTube video at Questions about the new Biographical Sketch and C&P documents and requirements developed by grants policy may be directed to Grants Policy at:

Advanced Information Systems Technology TRL Assessment Cookbook Template

This workbook is a tool to aid in calculating Technology Readiness Levels for advanced information (or informatics) systems research and development programs funded by the NASA Earth Science Technology Office. This document is a required input for the annual research review and is used by ESTO to compute software TRLs: if you create a wire diagram of your system into main components and sub-components, you can assess the TRL of each component (or sub-system) and the overall TRL of the system is computed as the minimum TRL of all of subsystems TRLs.

A.58 AIST_TRL_Assessment_Cookbook_Template.xlsx

A.58 AIST_TRL_Assessment_Cookbook_Template.pdf

Required Cost Share Tables for A.60 Ecological Conservation

ROSES-2024 A.60 Ecological Conservation is one of the very rare cases where cost sharing is required. Proposals to ROSES-2024 A.60 Ecological Conservation must include the Required Cost Share Table to document end-user/partner cost share. Failure to include this table will result in NASA’s not submitting a proposal for peer review. This table should appear in the separately uploaded “Total Budget” PDF. Please refer to the text of ROSES-2024 A.60 Ecological Conservation for more information.

A.60 Eco Conservation Cost Share Table.xlsx