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Ad-Hoc Big Data Task Force

Charles Holmes, ChairRetired NASA
Gerald Smith, Exec. SecretaryNASA Headquarters - Science Mission Directorate
Clayton TinoVirtustream, Inc.
James Kinter, IIIGeorge Mason University
Neal HurlburtLockheed Martin
Raymond WalkerUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Reta BeebeNew Mexico State University
Eric FeigelsonPenn State University
Chris MentzelGordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Photo of the Big Data Task Force members
Ad-Hoc Big Data Task Force members attending the November 2017 meeting at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: (left to right) back row: Amy Reis (Logistics Coordinator), Neal Hurlburt, James Kinter, Charles Holmes, Raymond Walker, Gerald Smith, Joan Zimmermann (Recorder); front row: Chris Mentzel, Reta Beebe, Eric Feigelson.

Final BDTF Products

Below is the final report and white papers presented to the Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council at their November 2017 meeting.

All studies, findings and recommendations in these deliverables have been submitted to the Science Committee and to officials at NASA HQ. The opinions expressed in these materials do not reflect NASA’s concurrence, approval, or indicate steps to implementation.

6th & Final Report of the Big Data Task Force, 11/28/17

BDTF White Papers, 11/3/17

BDTF Meeting Documents

November 2017

June 2017

March 2017

September 2016

June 2016

  1. Opening Remarks - Dr. Erin Smith
  2. Welcome / GSFC Overview - Dr. Coleen Hartman
  3. Chair's Opening Remarks - Dr. Charles Holmes
  4. Community Coordinated Modeling Center - Dr. Maria Kuznetsova
  5. HPC and Climate Model Data - Dr. Daniel Duffy
  6. Climate Analytics - Dr. John Schnase
  7. Data Policies - Dr. Charles Holmes
  8. Lunch Talk: Advances in Big Science Data Projects Outside NASA – Larry Smarr
  • Day 2
  1. NASA Astrophysics Archive Report - Dr. Hashima Hasan
  2. Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) - Dr. Marc Postman
  3. High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEARSARC) - Dr. Alan Smale
  4. Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) - Dr. Chris Lynnes
  5. Astrostatistics - Dr. Eric Feigelson
  6. Planetary Data System (PDS) - Dr. Ed Grayzeck
  7. Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) - Dr. Robert McGuire
  8. Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) - Dr. Joseph Gurman
  9. Office of Chief Information Office, Innovation and Technology Division - Dr. Brian Thomas

February 2016

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