Astrophysics Roadmap
Download Astrophysics Roadmap:
Enduring Quests, Daring Visions - NASA Astrophysics in the Next Three Decades (31 MB - PDF)
The Roadmap Town Hall was held on May 6, 2013 (10am – 5:30pm EDT) and May 7, 2013 (10am – 4:50pm EDT)
View the Astrophysics Roadmap Town Hall Meeting page for more information.
An Astrophysics Roadmap was developed by a task force of the Astrophysics Subcommittee (APS) during 2013. The Roadmap presents a compelling, 30-year vision for astrophysics; the team took the 2010 decadal survey as the starting point and built upon it. The Roadmap is science-based, with notional missions. Community input was solicited and presented in a workshop in the form of a Town Hall; these opportunities were posted and circulated via community email lists. The Roadmap was released publicly in December of 2013.
Astrophysics Roadmap Charter (PDF)
Roadmap Team Members:
- Chryssa Kouveliotou (Chair), NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Joan Centrella (Exec Sec), NASA HQ
- Brad Peterson (APS Chair, Ex Officio), Ohio State University
- Eric Agol, University of Washington
- Natalie Batalha, NASA Ames
- Jacob Bean, University of Chicago
- Misty Bentz, Georgia State University
- Neil Cornish, Montana State University
- Alan Dressler, Carnegie Observatories
- Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, MIT
- Scott Gaudi, Ohio State University
- Olivier Guyon, University of Arizona
- Dieter Hartmann, Clemson University
- Jason Kalirai, Space Telescope Science Institute
- Michael Niemack, Cornell University
- Feryal Ozel, University of Arizona
- Chris Reynolds, University of Maryland
- Aki Roberge, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Kartik Sheth, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
- Amber Straughn, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- David Weinberg, Ohio State University
- Jonas Zmuidzinas, JPL/Caltech