On the heels of Hubble’s 34th anniversary, we explored some of Hubble’s wildest and weirdest observations of our universe during its decades-long mission. We focused on six interesting images and took a deep dive into the science behind them on social media.
Hubble's Wildest Images
Hourglass Nebula (MyCn18)
This young planetary nebula holds intricate pattern of gas and dust in its walls.
This alien-looking mirage is the result of the gravitational field of a foreground galaxy cluster warping space and distorting the light of more distant galaxies.
Galaxy collisions are common — especially back in the young universe — most of them are not head-on smashups, like the collision that likely created this system.
In its more than three decades of discovery, Hubble has changed our understanding of the universe. Explore Hubble’s recent scientific discoveries, gorgeous new images; latest videos and features!
Your backyard telescope or binoculars may not have Hubble’s capabilities, but you can still see some of the same celestial objects Hubble has observed. Use our star charts to find these objects then compare what you see with the images Hubble has taken.
Investigate the mysteries of the universe with Hubble. Explore Hubble’s history, or its discoveries in the solar system, galaxies, exoplanets, stars, and the dark universe.
Hubble is the first observatory specifically designed for servicing by astronauts in space. Its modular components enabled upgrades that took advantage of advancements in technology.