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Gravitational Lenses

Gravity can act like a lens, magnifying and distorting the light of distant objects that would otherwise be invisible.

Two bright orange galaxies seem to form eyes, and streaks of curved, bent and magnified light form the circle of a face and a happy smile. A smaller bright galaxy serves as the nose in this smiley face. Other galaxies dot the picture.

The History of Gravitational Lenses

Gravitational lensing occurs when a massive object — such as a galaxy cluster — warps space and time causing light to bend, distort, and magnify as it passes around the massive object. Einstein was one of the first to describe this phenomenon. In his theory of general relativity, Einstein fuses space and time into a single quantity called "spacetime" and describes gravity simply as the curvature of spacetime. The theory charts the path light takes through a gravitational lens as a curve that distorts and magnifies the object’s image, just like a magnifying lens.

British astronomers Arthur Stanley Eddington, Frank Watson Dyson, and Andrew Crommelin proved Einstein's theory in 1919 with an experiment that centered around observing a total solar eclipse to see if the Sun's gravity would bend starlight passing near the Sun during the darkest part of the eclipse. Two expeditions — one to the West African island of Principe, the other to the Brazilian city of Sobral — used a total of three telescopes — two in Sobral and one in Principe — to photograph stars near the Sun during the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919.

A massive object in yellow is at the center of the image. A star is directly behind it on the left side of the image. The observer is located on the opposite side of the star on the far-right side of the image.
Eddington's experiment looked for stars located behind the Sun. If Einstein's General Theory was right, their light would be bent by the Sun's gravity, making them appear on either side of the Sun during the total solar eclipse.

This total solar eclipse provided them with an excellent situation to test Einstein's theory. Because a total solar eclipse blocks out most of the Sun's light, it would allow the team to see stars in the Sun's vicinity, and this eclipse had a particularly long duration of totality (the mid-point and darkest part of the eclipse): nearly seven minutes. It was also in a part of the sky that held a bright, open cluster of stars called the Hyades for them to photograph. They just needed the weather to cooperate.

The sky was mostly clear during totality in Sobral, and the team obtained a total of 20 useful photographic plates. Thick clouds covered the skies over Principe during most of the eclipse, but they did part long enough for researchers to obtain two useful plates to analyze.

The team of astronomers compared their eclipse images with photographs of the same area of sky taken by the same telescopes when the stars were visible at night, months before or after the eclipse. They analyzed the relative position of each star image and looked for changes in scale and orientation between the photographs, eventually announcing their success by saying that the light's path was "discordant by an amount much beyond the limits of accidental error."

Some astronomers questioned the validity of their results, suggesting that their equipment didn't have the sensitivity to detect the degree of bending starlight that the team claimed. Even if that were true, many observations over the years have since confirmed the gravitational deflection predicted by General Relativity.

A black and white image of the total solar eclipse of May 29, 1919 taken from Sobral, Brazil. A large prominence arches across the upper right quadrant of the Sun's limb. Spikes of the Sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, ring its darkened disk.
An original high-resolution image of the 1919 solar eclipse before digital restoration reveals a few pinpoint stars visible just above the large prominence arching across the Sun's upper-right limb. Another is visible below the Sun's limb and beyond its wispy corona near the bottom of the image.
F. W. Dyson, A. S. Eddington, and C. Davidson
Black and white portrait of British astronomer, Sir Arthur S. Eddington.
Sir Arthur S. Eddington (1882-1944)
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, George Grantham Bain Collection
Black and white portrait of British Sir Astronomer Frank Watson Dyson. Taken between ca. 1915 and ca. 1920.
Sir Frank Watson Dyson (1868 – 1939)
Courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, George Grantham Bain Collection
A sepia-toned photo of two telescopes in a shed.
Eclipse instruments at Sobral, Brazil (1919) include a 4-inch telescope (left) and an astrograph (right), a telescope designed for astrophotography. Both instruments have a coelostat placed in front of their main opening. The coelostat holds a large mirror mounted on a motor that compensates for Earth's motion. They reflected light into the telescope and astrograph where photographic plates at the instrument's focus captured images.
Frontpiece from the book, "Space Time and Gravitation," by A. Eddington. Frontpiece credit: C. Davidson. Published in 1920.

Gravitational Lensing Today

Today, Hubble astronomers continue to use the century-old General Relativity/Eddington Experiment to measure distant objects in the universe. For the first time, they measured the mass of a lone white dwarf — the dense, burned-out remnant of a Sun-like star — by seeing how much its gravity deflected the light from a background star. The researchers found that the white dwarf, called LAWD 37, is 56 percent the mass of our Sun, which agrees with earlier theoretical predictions of the white dwarf's mass and corroborated current theories of how white dwarfs evolve as the end product of a typical star's evolution.

The Eddington Experiment, and Hubble's more recent white dwarf mass measurements, are examples of gravitational microlensing in which relatively small masses create a lensing effect.

This animation shows the motion of a white dwarf star passing in front of a distant background star. During the passage, the faraway star appears to change its position slightly, because the white dwarf's gravity deflects the starlight's path.
NASA, ESA, Greg Bacon (STScI)
graphic with Hubble, two stars and light paths
This illustration reveals how the gravity of a white dwarf star warps space and bends the light of a distant companion star. Hubble captured images of the dead star, called Stein 2051B, as it passed in front of a background star. During the close alignment, Stein 2051B deflected the starlight, which appeared offset by about 2 milliarcseconds from its actual position.
NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)
animation of a white dwarf's motion through space
This time-lapse movie, made from eight Hubble images, shows the apparent motion of the white dwarf star Stein 2051 B as it passes in front of a star. Stein 2051 B is 17 light-years from Earth.
NASA, ESA, and K. Sahu (STScI)
Several bright elliptical and spiral galaxies cluster near the image's center, while many others dot the field of view. Elongated, blue ellipses around the central cluster are a distant, gravitationally lensed galaxy.
This Hubble image shows several blue, loop-shaped objects that actually are multiple images of the same galaxy. The gravitational lens created by the galaxy cluster 0024+1654 holds elliptical and spiral galaxies near the image’s center. The gravity from this cluster distorted, magnified, and duplicated the distant galaxy's light, creating multiple images.
NASA, W.N. Colley and E. Turner (Princeton University), J.A. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies)

When the mass of the lensing object is much larger, like a large galaxy or cluster of galaxies, the effects of gravitational lensing can resemble a house of mirrors. The gravitational lens not only bends and magnifies the light of distant objects, but distorts it in both space and time.

One example of this spacetime distortion lies in the galaxy cluster 0024+1654, seen above. The gravitational lens forms as a result of the cluster's tremendous gravitational field that bends light to magnify, brighten, and stretches the image of a more distant object. How distorted the image becomes and how many copies are made depends on the alignment between the foreground cluster and the more distant galaxy, which is behind the cluster. In this photograph, light from the distant galaxy bends as it passes through the cluster, dividing the galaxy into five separate images. The light also distorted the galaxy's image from a normal spiral shape into a more arc-shaped object. 

Another example of how a gravitational lens acts like a house of mirrors is visible in the galaxy cluster MACS J1149.6+2223 (seen below). This massive cluster holds an elliptical galaxy with a distant galaxy gravitationally lensed around it. The gravitationally lensed galaxy contains a supernova that was lensed four times, forming a four-pointed shape known as an Einstein Cross. MACS J1149.6+2223 and the elliptical galaxy are 5 billion light-years from Earth. The supernova, named Refsdal, is located 9.3 billion light-years away.

A galaxy field with a callout box zooming into an elliptical galaxy. Four bright yellow dots, the multiple images of the supernovae, are indicated with arrows.
This Hubble image reveals supernova Refsdal gravitationally lensed four times around a hefty elliptical galaxy located within a massive cluster of galaxies called MACS J1149.6+2223. Arrows (inset) point to the multiple copies of supernova Refsdal. The four images were spotted on Nov. 11, 2014. This image combines data from three months of observations taken in visible light by the Advanced Camera for Surveys and in near-infrared light by the Wide Field Camera 3.

Hubble spotted the four images of supernova Refsdal on Nov. 11, 2014. Just one year later, on December 11, 2015, Refsdal appeared in a position predicted by astronomers (see image at right). The light from this appearance took a different path through the massive cluster's gravitational lens, delaying its arrival at Earth. By mapping the gravitational lens and its distortions, astronomers were able to predict where the next appearance of Refsdal would happen.

Hubble's observations of gravitational lenses have not only increased the number of known gravitational lenses, but they have helped astronomers better understand the distribution of the non-luminous stuff of the universe we call dark matter. Most of the matter in galaxy clusters causing the lensing is invisible dark matter, so mapping out the distortions of background light helps astronomers discern where this mysterious matter is distributed within and between galaxies. Knowing the distribution of dark matter helps us better understand the underlying structure of the universe and how it evolves.

This animated GIF illustrates how a gravitational lens would distort our view or background galaxies. The animation opens with an image of galaxies. Some of the galaxies are small yellow, white, or red glowing circles. Others are larger fuzzy smudges with some spiral structures. As the animation plays, a gravitational lens moves from the left to the right. As it does, the images of galaxies in the background are arced and warped around the lens. A large spiral galaxy in the middle even turns into a full donut-shape as the lens passes in front of it.
This simulation shows a gravitational lens moving against a background field of galaxies. The object passing between the camera and the background galaxies warps space due to its gravity. The warped space bends the path of light from background galaxies, making them appear distorted and brighter.
NASA, Frank Summers (STScI)
graphic showing a quasar's light, warped to appear like four quasars to Hubble because of a massive galaxy in between
This illustration reveals how a faraway object's light is altered by a massive foreground galaxy and dark matter clumps along the light path. Gravity warps and magnifies the distant object's light, producing four distorted images of that object to form an Einstein Cross.
NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI)
Three images: One fills the left half of the image. It holds a closer view of the gravitationally lensed galaxy and the supernova. The two images on the right are black and white. The top one is from October 30, 2015, the bottom from December 15, 2015. Both left-side images are of the same field of view. The lensed supernova is only visible in the lower one.
The image to the left shows part of the galaxy cluster MACS J1149.5+2223. The circle indicates the predicted position of the reappearance of supernova Refsdal. The image on the top right shows Hubble observations from October 2015, before Refsdal reappeared. The image on the lower right shows the discovery of Refsdal on 11 December 2015, as predicted by several different models.
NASA & ESA and P. Kelly (UC Berkeley)