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LMC Passing through Milky Way Halo (Artist’s Concept)
This artist's concept shows the Large Magellanic Cloud, or LMC, in the foreground as it passes through the gaseous halo of the much more massive Milky Way galaxy. The encounter has blown away most of the spherical halo of gas that surrounds the LMC, as illustrated by the trailing gas stream reminiscent of a comet's tail. Still, a compact halo remains, and scientists do not expect this residual halo to be lost. The team surveyed the halo by using the background light of 28 quasars, an exceptionally bright type of active galactic nucleus that shines across the universe like a lighthouse beacon. Their light allows scientists to "see" the intervening halo gas indirectly through the absorption of the background light. The lines represent the Hubble Space Telescope's view from its orbit around Earth to the distant quasars through the LMC's gas.
- Release DateNovember 14, 2024
- Science ReleaseNASA’s Hubble Sees Aftermath of Galaxy’s Scrape with Milky Way
- CreditsNASA, ESA, Ralf Crawford (STScI)
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Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland
NASA, ESA, Ralf Crawford (STScI)