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Scenario for Type IIb SN 1993J

Scenario for Type IIb SN 1993J

This illustration shows the key steps in the evolution of a Type IIb supernova.

Panel 1: Two very hot stars orbit about each other in a binary system.

Panel 2: The slightly more massive member of the pair evolves into a bloated red giant and spills the hydrogen in its outer envelope onto the companion star.

Panel 3: The more massive star explodes as a supernova.

Panel 4: The companion star survives the explosion. Because it has locked up most of the hydrogen in the system, it is a larger and hotter star than when it was born. The fireball of the supernova fades.

  • Release Date
    September 9, 2014
  • Science Release
    Hubble Finds Companion Star Hidden for 21 Years in a Supernova’s Glare
  • Credits
    NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)


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Last Updated
Mar 14, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland