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Visible and Infrared Visualization of the Orion Nebula

Visible and Infrared Visualization of the Orion Nebula

Visible and Infrared Visualization of the Orion Nebula (Artist's Concept)

This image showcases both the visible-light and the infrared-light visualizations of the Orion Nebula. This view from the movie sequence looks down the “valley” leading to the star cluster at the far end. The left side of the image shows the visible-light visualization, which fades to the infrared visualization on the right. These two contrasting models derive from observations by the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes.

  • Release Date
    January 11, 2018
  • Science Release
    NASA Space Telescopes Provide a 3D Journey Through the Orion Nebula
  • Credit
    NASA, ESA, Frank Summers (STScI), Gregory Bacon (STScI), Zoltan Levay (STScI), Joseph DePasquale (STScI), Lisa Frattare (STScI), Massimo Robberto (STScI), Mario Gennaro (STScI), Robert Hurt (Caltech, Caltech/IPAC)


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  • 3840 × 2160
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  • 2000 × 1125
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  • PDF
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Last Updated
Mar 14, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland