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IBEX Mission Heliosphere Infographic & Activity

An artist's interpretation of the structure of the heliosphere, created using real data. It diagrams the layers of the heliosphere and depicts the solar wind streaing out from the Sun and creating a bubble around the solar system.  Outside of the heliosphere is dark skies with background stars and distant galaxies. The page includes the NASA heading with the logo on the right upper corner and the words "National Aeronautics and Space Administration" written in the upper left.
IBEX Mission Heliosphere Infographic & Activity
  • beginner
  • intermediate
  • advanced
  • ps2
  • ess1
  • ess2
Big Ideas
  • big_ideas_2.2
Helio Topics
  • heliosphere
  • interstellar_space
  • solar_wind
Helio Missions
  • ibex
Credit NASA
  • english

Infographic with activity directions on modeling the boundary of the heliosphere.