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Roam the night sky and zoom in to get a Hubble's-eye-view of cosmic objects.

The Hubble Skymap puts the night sky at your fingertips any time of day. Roam the Milky Way to find a selection of galaxies, stars, nebulae and more, and click for a Hubble's-eye-view of each object.

To explore the skymap, scroll, double click, or pinch/swipe to zoom in and out. Roll over an icon to see the object, click to zero in, and click again for a detailed view and a description. Drag the map to navigate.

A text version is available for screen readers. For the best experience on mobile, please rotate your phone to landscape mode.

Full Skymap

Browse Hubble's full catalog of objects in the night sky. To explore the Skymap, scroll, double click, or pinch/swipe to zoom. Roll over an icon to see the object, click to zero in, and click again for a detailed view. Drag the map to navigate.
Background Image: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Acknowledgement: A. Moitinho

Hubble's Messier Catalog

The objects in Charles Messier’s catalog are nice targets for backyard astronomers with a pair of binoculars or a small telescope and a relatively dark sky.

The Messier catalog, begun by astronomer Charles Messier in the 18th Century and revised over the years, includes some of the most fascinating astronomical objects that can be observed from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. An interactive Skymap of just these Messier Catalog objects is also available.

Explore the Messier Catalog about Hubble's Messier Catalog
A white band of stars that cuts across a black background, from the lower left to the upper right, is the galaxy M82. Reddish brown gas and dust overlays the galaxy concentrated in the center of the image and fanning out above and below the white band of the galaxy. Black background is dotted with stars.
M82, or the Cigar galaxy, shines brightly at infrared wavelengths and is remarkable for its star formation activity.
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment: J. Gallagher (University of Wisconsin), M. Mountain (STScI), and P. Puxley (National Science Foundation)

Hubble's Caldwell Catalog

The Caldwell Catalog goes beyond the work of Charles Messier, offering backyard astronomers more cosmic wonders to explore.

In the 1980s, an Englishman named Sir Patrick Moore produced an additional list to highlight more cosmic wonders visible to amateur astronomers. Unlike the Messier catalog, which only features objects that were visible from Charles Messier’s viewing location in Europe, Moore’s Caldwell catalog includes celestial bodies that are found in both the northern and southern skies. An interactive Skymap of just these Caldwell Catalog objects is also available.

Explore the Caldwell Catalog about Hubble's Caldwell Catalog
Caldwell 11
The Bubble Nebula (Caldwell 11, NGC 7635) is the result of an extremely bright, massive, and short-lived star that shed most of its outer hydrogen and is now fusing helium into heavier elements. The star is about 4 million years old, and in 10 million to 20 million years, it will likely detonate as a supernova.
NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)