Black Holes

Black holes are dark realms where even our understanding of physics breaks down, but Hubble's vision blazes a way toward greater comprehension of these cosmic monsters.

Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a super massive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A.


Black holes are some of the universe’s strangest and most violent objects: invisible objects of immense density whose gravity is so overpowering that not even light can escape them, born when a vast amount of matter collapses into a point of infinite density.

Black holes are places where physics as we understand it breaks down, where the world of the very large meets the world of the unbelievably small. They consist of two main parts ― the singularity, that central region of tiny but immense density, and the event horizon, the point past which nothing can escape the black hole’s gravity.

Anything that passes the event horizon becomes subject to an entirely different perception of time and space, while the gravity of the black hole compresses it horizontally and stretches it vertically ― a phenomenon called "spaghettification" ― in the process of crushing it into the singularity.

Astronomers have identified three kinds of black holes.

Stellar-mass black holes, which range from five to 10 times the mass of our Sun, form either in the deaths of massive stars or from the addition of mass to the small, incredibly dense remnants of dead stars called neutron stars.

Supermassive black holes lurk in the hearts of most galaxies and can be hundreds of thousands to billions of times the mass of our Sun. The processes that create them are still under investigation.

Between these two categories are intermediate-mass black holes, elusive objects that have only recently begun to be discovered by astronomers.

Hubble has played a key role in deciphering the ongoing puzzle of black holes.

A bright, yellowish galaxy core shines near the center, with a faint jet of material ejecting toward the right.
A black hole-powered jet of electrons and other particles traveling at nearly the speed of light blasts from the core of elliptical galaxy M87. The jet originates in the disk of superheated gas swirling around the galaxy's supermassive black hole. Hubble’s observations of M87 led to the first confirmation of a black hole at the center of a galaxy.
NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment: P. Cote (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics) and E. Baltz (Stanford University)
Bright-orange cloud. A bright-yellow point at lower left, from which shoots out a jet of material toward the upper right.
In 1994, Hubble measured the velocity of gas circling around a suspected black hole at the core of elliptical galaxy M87. Astronomers found that the hot, ionized gas was orbiting at tremendous speeds around a central object that is extremely massive but extraordinarily compact: a black hole. This discovery was the first confirmation of a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy.
NASA, Holland Ford (STScI/JHU); Zlatan Tsvetanov, Arthur Davidsen, and Gerard Kriss (JHU); Ralph Bohlin and George Hartig (STScI); Richard Harms, Linda Dressel, and Ajay K. Kochhar (Applied Research Corp.); and Bruce Margon (University of Washington)

Supermassive Black Holes

In the 1960s and 1970s, astronomers began building the case for supermassive black holes and finding candidates in galaxies, including Sagittarius A* at the center of the Milky Way. Hubble’s observations opened the door to a universe full of black holes, pinpointing dazzling bright, black hole-powered galactic nuclei called “quasars” at the centers of galaxies and making the first-ever confirmation of the presence of a suspected supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy. Hubble’s further investigations showed that black holes were at the hearts of most galaxies, and integral to their development.

Though we know that supermassive black holes grow by eating stars and clouds of gas and dust, or by merging in galactic collisions, scientists are still trying to understand how supermassive black holes first formed and how they shape the evolution of their galaxies. The Milky Way’s Sagittarius A* is around 4 million times the mass of our Sun ― and that could be considered small by supermassive black hole standards. The neighboring Sombrero Galaxy, for instance, contains a supermassive black hole a billion times the mass of the Sun. 

Hubble Space Telescope "Sombrero Galaxy"
The Sombrero Galaxy contains one of the heftiest black holes in the neighboring universe, with the mass of approximately a billion Suns.
NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Observations of the distant universe show that some supermassive black holes formed in the first billion years after the birth of the universe. These black holes may have begun with the collapse of supermassive stars in the early universe ― perhaps in the dust-shrouded cores of vigorously star-forming "starburst" galaxies ― or they may gotten a jump on their super-sizes by forming directly from the collapse of massive clouds of gas.

Black space with multiple galaxies visible, large white glowing supermassive black hole in the center. two bright stars on each side, and two pink jets of gas streaming out of either side of the center star.
Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a supermassive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A illustrate the combined imaging power of two of astronomy's cutting-edge tools, the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3, and the recently upgraded Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico.
NASA, ESA, S. Baum and C. O'Dea (RIT), R. Perley and W. Cotton (NRAO/AUI/NSF), and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

Intermediate-mass Black Holes

The most elusive of black holes are the intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH), the middle ground between stellar-mass black holes and supermassive black holes. Black holes grow in mass by colliding and merging with each other or by consuming stars. Over time, collisions between stellar-mass black holes should have created some intermediate-mass black holes, ranging from around 100 to 100,000 times the Sun’s mass. However, examples of these medium-sized black holes have been difficult to confirm, despite scientists actively searching for them.

The best place to look for intermediate-mass black holes is globular clusters: compact, gravitationally bound clusters of tens of thousands to millions of stars, which provide plenty of opportunities for collisions between cosmic objects. Hubble’s keen resolution allows it to distinguish individual stars in the Milky Way’s globular clusters, while its more than three decades in space has built a history of observations of these clusters, making it a key tool in the hunt for intermediate-mass black holes. Hubble has helped identify several potential candidates, helping weave intermediate-mass black holes into our understanding of the cosmos.

The central region of the globular star cluster Omega Centauri. It appears as a collection of myriad stars colored red, white, and blue on the black background of space.
The Omega Centauri globular cluster is made up of some 10 million gravitationally bound stars ― almost the size of a small galaxy. It’s visible to the unaided eye in the night sky from Earth. Hubble’s view recently revealed new evidence of a possible intermediate-mass black hole in its center, with a mass at least 8,200 times that of our Sun. This Hubble image captures the central region of Omega Centauri, where the IMBH is located.
ESA/Hubble, NASA, Maximilian Häberle (MPIA)
A dense cluster of bright stars. The core of the cluster is to the left and has a distinct group of blue stars. Surrounding the core are a multitude of stars in warmer colors. These stars are very numerous near the core and become more sparse, as well as more small and distant, out to the sides of the image. A few larger stars also stand in the foreground near the edges of the image.]
Astronomers suspect globular star cluster NGC 6325 could contain an intermediate-mass black hole that is subtly affecting the motion of surrounding stars.
ESA/Hubble & NASA, E. Noyola, R. Cohen

Stellar-mass Black Holes

Stellar-mass black holes range from five to 10 times the mass of the Sun and form from the collapse of massive stars or when mass gets added to a neutron star ― either through the collision of two neutron stars or by a single neutron star gravitationally pulling matter from a companion object.

Compared to supermassive black holes, whose formation is being debated, and intermediate black holes, which are still in the early stages of being discovered, stellar-mass black holes seem relatively well-understood. When a massive star runs out of fuel, its core collapses under its own gravity, triggering a shock wave that casts the star’s outer material into space. In many cases, this leaves behind a small, dense object with tightly packed neutrons ― a neutron star. But if the collapsing core is massive enough, gravity compresses everything even further, into a black hole.

two images showing a star disappearing from a field
These Hubble images may capture the birth of a black hole. In 2007, Hubble observed a star 25 times the mass of the Sun in galaxy NGC 6946. In 2009, it began to brighten. The star was expected to perish in a bright supernova explosion. Instead, by 2015, it had vanished. Hubble and the Spitzer Space Telescope were used to look for the star, in case it had just dimmed or been hidden by a cloud of dust, but the star was gone. Astronomers concluded that the star had probably become a black hole. Some small amount of infrared radiation was detected where the star once was, probably emanating from debris falling onto the black hole.
NASA, ESA, and C. Kochanek (OSU)

Hubble's Impact

For all their destructive power, black holes are difficult to observe ― thus the name. Since they devour even light, and let no information escape, we can only study black holes by the behavior of the matter that orbits around them or is in the process of falling into them.

Hubble’s keen vision and excellent resolution make it a powerful tool for observing matter around black holes. Hubble was able to first confirm the existence of supermassive black holes by measuring the velocity of gas circling at the core of elliptical galaxy M87. The hot, ionized gas was orbiting at tremendous speeds around a central object that had to be both extremely massive and extraordinarily compact: a black hole. Since then Hubble has gone on to show that black holes are at the hearts of most galaxies and that their mass correlates with the mass of the enclosing galaxy.

Spiral galaxy NGC 1069 fills the image, a majestic spiral of glowing gas and dark dust with long, winding arms. A callout box points to the center of the galaxy. Within the callout box are glowing, red and orange clouds of hydrogen gas.
Because we live inside the Milky Way, much of our view of the galaxy’s center and its supermassive black hole is blocked by clouds of gas and dust. But Hubble’s view of barred spiral galaxy NGC 1068, 45 million light-years away, gives us a good look at a comparative galaxy and its black hole outbursts. The inset Hubble image resolves hydrogen clouds as small as 10 light-years across within 150 light-years of the core. The clouds are glowing because they are caught in radiation beamed from the material that swirls around the galaxy's black hole before being consumed. The black hole in NGC 1068 is larger and more active than the black hole in the heart of our galaxy.
Credit: NASA, ESA, Alex Filippenko (UC Berkeley), William Sparks (STScI), Luis C. Ho (KIAA-PKU), Matthew A Malkan (UCLA), Alessandro Capetti (STScI); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)

Hubble’s ability to distinguish individual stars in globular clusters, the prime hunting grounds for intermediate black holes, has made it a critical player in identifying intermediate black holes by observing the orbits of stars around them. And Hubble has made startling and unique discoveries about black holes: finding supermassive black holes knocked away from the cores of their galaxies, studying rare and bizarre cosmic explosions that may be the result of black holes devouring stars, even discovering a supermassive black hole streaking across space and observing a shadow cast by the disk of material whirling around a black hole.

With Hubble’s unparalleled vision, researchers are uncovering more and more details about the inner workings of black holes and the key role they play in their cosmic surroundings, bringing a famously dark cosmic phenomenon into the light.

A dark brown disk is surrounded by a pale halo structure in a somewhat pixelated image.
This Hubble image shows an 800-light-year-wide spiral-shaped disk of dust fueling a massive black hole in the center of galaxy NGC 4261, located 100 million light-years away. By measuring the speed of gas swirling around the black hole, astronomers calculate that the object at the center of the disk is 1.2 billion times the mass of our Sun, yet concentrated into a region of space not much larger than our solar system.
L. Ferrarese (Johns Hopkins University) and NASA