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1 min read

Hubble Reveals Ultraviolet Galactic Ring

Galaxy NGC 6782
The appearance of a galaxy can depend strongly on the color of the light with which it is viewed. The Hubble Heritage image of NGC 6782 illustrates a pronounced example of this effect. This spiral galaxy, when seen in visible light, exhibits tightly wound spiral arms that give...

The appearance of a galaxy can depend strongly on the color of the light with which it is viewed. This Hubble Heritage image of NGC 6782 illustrates a pronounced example of this effect. This spiral galaxy, when seen in visible light, exhibits tightly wound spiral arms that give it a pinwheel shape similar to that of many other spirals. However, when the galaxy is viewed in ultraviolet light with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, its shape is startlingly different.



Last Updated
Mar 20, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland


NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA);
Acknowledgment: R. Windhorst (ASU)