Ad-Hoc Big Data Task Force
Charles Holmes, Chair | Retired NASA |
Gerald Smith, Exec. Secretary | NASA Headquarters - Science Mission Directorate |
Clayton Tino | Virtustream, Inc. |
James Kinter, III | George Mason University |
Neal Hurlburt | Lockheed Martin |
Raymond Walker | University of California, Los Angeles |
Reta Beebe | New Mexico State University |
Eric Feigelson | Penn State University |
Chris Mentzel | Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation |

Ad-Hoc Big Data Task Force members attending the November 2017 meeting at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: (left to right) back row: Amy Reis (Logistics Coordinator), Neal Hurlburt, James Kinter, Charles Holmes, Raymond Walker, Gerald Smith, Joan Zimmermann (Recorder); front row: Chris Mentzel, Reta Beebe, Eric Feigelson.
Final BDTF Products
Below is the final report and white papers presented to the Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council at their November 2017 meeting.
All studies, findings and recommendations in these deliverables have been submitted to the Science Committee and to officials at NASA HQ. The opinions expressed in these materials do not reflect NASA’s concurrence, approval, or indicate steps to implementation.
6th & Final Report of the Big Data Task Force, 11/28/17
BDTF White Papers, 11/3/17
- Data Science: Statistical and Computational Methodologies for NASA’s Big Data in Science
- Making NASA Science Data More Usable
- Modeling Workflows
- Server-side Analytics
BDTF Meeting Documents
November 2017
- Agenda: November 1 - PDF-3, 2017
- Federal Register Notice: November 1 - PDF-3, 2017
- Minutes: November 1 - PDF-3, 2017
- Meeting Presentations
- DAY 1
- Chair's Report - Charles Holmes (PDF)
- JPL Data Science - Daniel Crichton (PDF)
- Center for Data Driven Discovery - S. George Djorgovski (PDF)
- JPL Machine Learning for Earth Science - Lukas Mandrake (PDF)
- Machine Learning Applications in Astronomy - Umaa Rebbapragada (PDF)
- Machine Learning for Planetary Science - Kiri L. Wagstaff (PDF)
- Big Data Analytics and Sea Level Research - Thomas Huang (PDF)
- Big Data Visualization for Planetary Science - Emily Law, Shan Malhotra (PDF)
- Big Data Analytics in Hydrology - Jay Famiglietti, Shan Malhotra (PDF)
- DAY 2
June 2017
- Agenda: June 22 - PDF-23, 2017
- Federal Register Notice: June 22 - PDF-23, 2017
- Minutes: June 22 - PDF-23, 2017
- Chair’s Report: 5t - PDFh Meeting of the Big Data Task Force; Charles Holmes
- SMD FY 2018 B - PDFudget Estimates - Craig Tupper
March 2017
- Agenda
- Federal Register
- Meeting Minutes (PDF)
- Meeting Presentations
- DAY 1
- ECP Overview - Paul Messina (PDF)
- Chair's Report - Charles Holmes (PDF)
- NASA BDTF WG Summary Brief - Tsengdar Lee, John D. Sprague (PDF)
- NASA HEC Briefing - Tsengdar Lee (PDF)
- HPS on HEC - Tsengdar Lee (PDF)
- DTU Overview - Josh Peek (PDF)
- JPL Data Science - Daniel Crichton (PDF)
- DAY 2
September 2016
- Agenda
- Federal Register
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Presentations
- DAY 1
- Adhoc Task Force on Big Data Opening - Dr. Erin Smith (PDF)
- NASA Big Data Challenges - Dr. Piyush Mehrotra (PDF)
- NASA Ames Data Sciences Group Overview - Dr. Nikunj Oza (PDF)
- NASA Earth Exchange NEX - Drs. Nemani, Votava, Ganguly (PDF)
- NASA's SOFIA Observatory Program-Science Overview - Dr. Pamela Marcum (PDF)
- Supercomputing in the Age of Discovering Superearths, Earths, and Exoplanetary Systems - Dr. Jon Jenkins (PDF)
- BDTF Member Report - Dr. Eric Feigelson (PDF)
- DAY 2
- Enabling NASA SaaS Use - Dr. Raymond O'Brien (PDF)
- NASA World Wind Virtual Globe Visualization Technology - Dr. Randolph Kim (PDF)
- NASA AIST Projects - Cloud Computing - Dr. Michael Little (PDF)
- NASA-IPAC Extragalactic Database NED - Dr. Rick Ebert (PDF)
- Big Data at the NASA-IPAC Infrared Science Archive - IRSA - Dr. Steve Groom (PDF)
- NASA Exoplanet Archive - Dr. Rachel Akeson (PDF)
- DAY 3
June 2016
- Agenda
- Federal Register
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Presentations
- DAY 1
- Opening Remarks - Dr. Erin Smith
- Welcome / GSFC Overview - Dr. Coleen Hartman
- Chair's Opening Remarks - Dr. Charles Holmes
- Community Coordinated Modeling Center - Dr. Maria Kuznetsova
- HPC and Climate Model Data - Dr. Daniel Duffy
- Climate Analytics - Dr. John Schnase
- Data Policies - Dr. Charles Holmes
- Lunch Talk: Advances in Big Science Data Projects Outside NASA – Larry Smarr
- Day 2
- NASA Astrophysics Archive Report - Dr. Hashima Hasan
- Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) - Dr. Marc Postman
- High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEARSARC) - Dr. Alan Smale
- Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) - Dr. Chris Lynnes
- Astrostatistics - Dr. Eric Feigelson
- Planetary Data System (PDS) - Dr. Ed Grayzeck
- Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) - Dr. Robert McGuire
- Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) - Dr. Joseph Gurman
- Office of Chief Information Office, Innovation and Technology Division - Dr. Brian Thomas
- Day 3
- Cloud Computing Initiative NASA OCIO - Ms. Karen Petraska
February 2016
- Agenda
- Federal Register
- Meeting Minutes
- Meeting Presentations:
- Opening Remarks - Dr. Erin Smith, Dr. Charles Holmes
- BDTF Charter and Subcommittee Feedback - Dr. Erin Smith
- Legacy from NAC ITIC - Dr. Charles Holmes
- Heliophysics Big Data - Dr. Jeffrey Hayes
- Earth Science Big Data - Dr. Kevin Murphy
- Supercomputing Big Data - Dr. Tsengdar Lee
- Astrophysics Big Data - Dr. Paul Hertz
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