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Europa Transiting Geometry

Europa Transiting Geometry
This diagram shows how the plumes on Europa are seen in silhouette as the moon moves across the face of Jupiter. Europa makes a complete orbit of Jupiter in just 3.5 Earth days.

About the Object

  • Distance
    DistanceThe physical distance from Earth to the astronomical object. Distances within our solar system are usually measured in Astronomical Units (AU). Distances between stars are usually measured in light-years. Interstellar distances can also be measured in parsecs.
    The position of Jupiter and Europa changes as they and Earth travel on their orbits through the solar system. Europa, orbiting Jupiter, was approximately 4.3 AU (400 million miles or 640 million kilometers) from Earth at the time of these observations.

About the Data

  • Data Description
    Data DescriptionProposal: A description of the observations, their scientific justification, and the links to the data available in the science archive.
    Science Team: The astronomers who planned the observations and analyzed the data. "PI" refers to the Principal Investigator.
    Data were provided by HST proposals 13438, 13620, and 13829: W. Sparks (STScI), S. Deustua (STScI), K. Hand (JPL), M. McGrath (SETI Institute), and E. Bergeron and M. Cracraft (STScI).
  • Object Name
    Object NameA name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object.
  • Object Description
    Object DescriptionThe type of astronomical object.
    Moon of Jupiter
  • Release Date
    September 26, 2016
  • Science Release
    Hubble Spots Possible Water Plumes Erupting on Jupiter’s Moon Europa
  • Credits
    NASA, ESA, and A. Feild (STScI)


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Last Updated
Mar 03, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland