1 min read
About the Object
- R.A. PositionR.A. PositionRight ascension – analogous to longitude – is one component of an object's position.14h 20m 34.89s
- Dec. PositionDec. PositionDeclination – analogous to latitude – is one component of an object's position.53° 0' 15.4"
- ConstellationConstellationOne of 88 recognized regions of the celestial sphere in which the object appears.Boötes
About the Data
- InstrumentInstrumentThe science instrument used to produce the data.HST>ACS/WFC and HST>WFC3/IR
- FiltersFiltersThe camera filters that were used in the science observations.ACS/WFC: F606W (V) WFC3/IR: F125W (J) and F160W (H)
- Object NameObject NameA name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object.CANDELS survey, Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey
- Object DescriptionObject DescriptionThe type of astronomical object.Field of galaxies
- Release DateMay 5, 2015
- Science ReleaseAstronomers Set a New Galaxy Distance Record
- Credit
These images are composites of separate exposures acquired by the ACS and the WFC3 instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope. Several filters were used to sample broad wavelength ranges. The color results from assigning different hues (colors) to each monochromatic (grayscale) image associated with an individual filter. In this case, the assigned colors are: F606W (V) F125W (J) F160W (H)
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