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Hubble Captures Wide View of Supernova 1987A
This Hubble Space Telescope image shows Supernova 1987A within the Large Magellanic Cloud, a neighboring galaxy to our Milky Way.
Distant stars serve as a backdrop for Supernova 1987A, located in the center of the image. The bright ring around the central region of the exploded star is composed of material ejected by the star about 20,000 years before its demise. Gaseous clouds surround the supernova. The clouds' red color represents the glow of hydrogen gas, which is fueling a firestorm of star birth.
Supernova 1987A was discovered in 1987, and Hubble began observing the exploded star in the early 1990s. This latest view was taken by Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 in January 2017. The colors of the foreground and background stars were added from observations taken by Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2.
Supernova 1987A resides 163,000 light-years away.
About the Object
- R.A. PositionR.A. PositionRight ascension – analogous to longitude – is one component of an object's position.05h 35m 28.03s
- Dec. PositionDec. PositionDeclination – analogous to latitude – is one component of an object's position.-69° 16' 11".8
- ConstellationConstellationOne of 88 recognized regions of the celestial sphere in which the object appears.Dorado
- DistanceDistanceThe physical distance from Earth to the astronomical object. Distances within our solar system are usually measured in Astronomical Units (AU). Distances between stars are usually measured in light-years. Interstellar distances can also be measured in parsecs.Approximately 163,000 light-years (50 kiloparsecs) away
- DimensionsDimensionsThe physical size of the object or the apparent angle it subtends on the sky.The image is about 120 light-years (36.8 parsecs) wide.
About the Data
- Data DescriptionData DescriptionProposal: A description of the observations, their scientific justification, and the links to the data available in the science archive.
Science Team: The astronomers who planned the observations and analyzed the data. "PI" refers to the Principal Investigator. - InstrumentInstrumentThe science instrument used to produce the data.HST>WFC3/UVIS and HST>WFPC2
- Exposure DatesExposure DatesThe date(s) that the telescope made its observations and the total exposure time.1995-2009 (WFPC2), and January 17, 2017 (WFC3); Total exposure time: 22,680s (6h 18m)
- FiltersFiltersThe camera filters that were used in the science observations.WFC3/UVIS: F657N (Hα) WFPC2: F439W (B), F555W (V), and F814W (I)
- Object NameObject NameA name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object.SN 1987A
- Object DescriptionObject DescriptionThe type of astronomical object.Supernova Remnant
- Release DateFebruary 24, 2017
- Science ReleaseThe Dawn of a New Era for Supernova 1987A
- CreditNASA, ESA, Robert Kirshner (CfA, Moore Foundation), Max Mutchler (STScI), Roberto Avila (STScI)
Blue: F439W (B) Green: F555W (V) Red: F814W (I) + F657N (Hα)

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Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland