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Spiral Galaxy NGC 4319 and Quasar Markarian 205

Spiral Galaxy NGC 4319 and Quasar Markarian 205

Appearances can be deceiving. In this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, an odd celestial duo, the spiral galaxy NGC 4319 [center] and a quasar called Markarian 205 [upper right], appear to be neighbors. In reality, the two objects don't even live in the same city. They are separated by time and space.

NGC 4319 is 80 million light-years from Earth. Markarian 205 (Mrk 205) is more than 14 times farther away, residing 1 billion light-years from Earth. The apparent close alignment of Mrk 205 and NGC 4319 is simply a matter of chance. Astronomers used two methods to determine the distances to these objects. First, they measured how their light has been stretched in space due to the universe's expansion. Then they measured how much the ultraviolet light from Mrk 205 dimmed as it passed through the interstellar gas of NGC 4319.

The Hubble image shows the inner region of NGC 4319. In addition to the galaxy's inner spiral arms, an outer arm is faintly visible at lower left. The unusually dark and misshapen dust lanes in the galaxy's inner region are evidence of a disturbance, probably caused by an earlier interaction with another galaxy, NGC 4291, which is not in the photograph.

At a distance of 1 billion light-years, Mrk 205 is a relatively nearby quasar. Many quasars reside much farther away. Quasars, once known only as mysterious point-like objects, are now known to be distant galaxies that have extremely bright cores. These powerhouses of light are probably fueled by massive black holes. With powerful telescopes like Hubble, it is often possible to see the quasar's surrounding halo of faint starlight, as is clearly visible around Mrk 205.

Mrk 205 has a companion, a compact galaxy just below it. The objects appear to be interacting. The compact galaxy may be responsible for the structure in Mrk 205's halo.

The Hubble image shows that interacting galaxies and disturbances within galaxies are a rich source of information about galaxy structure and evolution.

About the Object

  • R.A. Position
    R.A. PositionRight ascension – analogous to longitude – is one component of an object's position.
    12h 21m 44.11s
  • Dec. Position
    Dec. PositionDeclination – analogous to latitude – is one component of an object's position.
    75° 18' 38.0"
  • Constellation
    ConstellationOne of 88 recognized regions of the celestial sphere in which the object appears.
  • Distance
    DistanceThe physical distance from Earth to the astronomical object. Distances within our solar system are usually measured in Astronomical Units (AU). Distances between stars are usually measured in light-years. Interstellar distances can also be measured in parsecs.
    To NGC 4319: 80 million light-years (25 million parsecs). To Mrk 205: 1,100 million light-years (340 million parsecs)
  • Dimensions
    DimensionsThe physical size of the object or the apparent angle it subtends on the sky.
    This image is roughly 1.8 arcminutes across. At the distance of NGC 4319, this corresponds to approximately 43,000 light-years (13 kiloparsecs).

About the Data

  • Data Description
    Data DescriptionProposal: A description of the observations, their scientific justification, and the links to the data available in the science archive.
    Science Team: The astronomers who planned the observations and analyzed the data. "PI" refers to the Principal Investigator.
    Hubble Heritage Team: K. Noll, H. Bond, C. Christian, L. Frattare, F. Hamilton, J. Lee, Z. Levay, E. Masiello, P. Royle (STScI), and T. Borders (Sonoma State, CA) R. Knacke (Penn State Erie) B. Boyle (AAO), D. Schade (CADC) Note: This data was created with HST images taken by the Hubble Heritage Team and archival data of NGC 4319 taken by B. Boyle and D. Shade (HST proposal 6361)
  • Instrument
    InstrumentThe science instrument used to produce the data.
  • Exposure Dates
    Exposure DatesThe date(s) that the telescope made its observations and the total exposure time.
    March 10, 1997; February 26, 2002, Exposure Time: 1.4 hours
  • Filters
    FiltersThe camera filters that were used in the science observations.
    F439W (B), F555W (V), F814W (I)
  • Object Name
    Object NameA name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object.
    NGC 4319 and Markarian 205, Mrk205
  • Object Description
    Object DescriptionThe type of astronomical object.
    Barred Spiral Galaxy and Quasar Galaxy with Companion
  • Release Date
    October 3, 2002
  • Science Release
    Odd Couple Widely Separated by Time and Space
  • Credit
    NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA); Acknowledgment: R. Knacke (Penn State Erie)


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Compass and Scale
Compass and ScaleAn astronomical image with a scale that shows how large an object is on the sky, a compass that shows how the object is oriented on the sky, and the filters with which the image was made.



Last Updated
Mar 14, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland