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Focusing in on Gravitational Lenses

Gravitational lenses are ‘Nature’s Boost’, expanding our view deeper into space and farther back in time.

A field of galaxies along with the curved arcs of gravitationally lensed galaxies.

Gravity acts as a lens, magnifying and distorting space and time in a way that is similar to an optical lens like those in eyeglasses or contact lenses. As light passes through a gravitational lens, it may take different paths, producing multiple images of the same object. When that light emerges from the lens, we see several contorted images of a single object. Gravitational lenses help boost our view, allowing Hubble to capture faint, distant objects.

This illustrations reveals how an Einstein Cross forms. In the upper-left corner is a quasar. Is its light travels toward Hubble (lower-right corner), it passes a large galaxy. The gravity from the galaxy bends warps the quasar's light like a lens, creating four bright versions of it that Hubble sees.
This graphic illustrates how a faraway quasar (an extremely bright region in the center of some distant galaxies) is altered by a massive foreground galaxy. The galaxy’s powerful gravity warps and magnifies the quasar’s light, producing four distorted images of the quasar. Dark matter is an invisible substance that makes up the bulk of the universe’s mass and creates the scaffolding upon which galaxies are built. Quadruple images of a quasar rare because the background quasar and foreground galaxy require an almost perfect alignment.
NASA, ESA, and D. Player (STScI)

  • Five months after its April 1990 launch, Hubble captured four gravitationally lensed images of quasar G2237+0305. Called an Einstein Cross, the image reveals a distant quasar gravitationally lensed four times by a relatively nearby galaxy (visible as bright smudge at the center of the cross).


    Einstein Cross G2237+0305
    NASA, ESA, and J. Lotz and the HFF Team (STScI)
Spots of light that are galaxies in this image. Some of the galaxies appear to be stretched due to gravitational lensing. Three very bright orange spots of light near the center in a row.
This Hubble Space Telescope image, taken in 1994, shows several blue, loop-shaped objects that actually are multiple images of the same galaxy. The “gravitational lens” created by the cluster of yellow, elliptical and spiral galaxies — called 0024+1654 — near the photograph’s center magnified and distorted the light from the distant galaxy. Though the gravitational light-bending process was well known, Hubble’s high resolution revealed structures within the blue-shaped galaxy that astronomers had never seen before.
W.N. Colley and E. Turner (Princeton University), J.A. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), and NASA

  • The enormous galaxy cluster MACS J1149.6+2223, located more than 5 billion light-years away, creates a gravitational lens that facilitated two of Hubble’s most exciting discoveries using gravitational lenses. The first was Supernova Refsdal. Hubble captured the supernova because the gravitational lens created by a massive galaxy embedded in MACS J1149.6+2223 bent and magnified its light. Refsdal is some 4.3 billion light-years farther than MACS J1149.6+2223 or 9.3 billion light-years from Earth.


    Supernova Refsdal and Galaxy Cluster MACS J1149.6+2223
    NASA, ESA, and S. Rodney (JHU) and the FrontierSN team; T. Treu (UCLA), P. Kelly (UC Berkeley), and the GLASS team; J. Lotz (STScI) and the Frontier Fields team; M. Postman (STScI) and the CLASH team; and Z. Levay (STScI)
  • First discovered in 2014, astronomers calculated how Refsdal’s light might move through MACS J1149.6+2223’s enormous gravitational lens and predicted its reappearance. While looking for and finding the supernova’s reappearance in MACS J1149.6+2223, they also found an enormous, distant, blue star they nicknamed Icarus.
    Icarus is so far away that its light took 9 billion years to reach Earth. Because the star’s light had such a long distance to travel, Hubble’s observations captured the star as it appeared when the universe was about 30 percent of its current age.


    Icarus (MACS J1149+2223 Lensed Star 1)
    NASA, ESA, and P. Kelly (University of Minnesota)
In this video, Dr. Brian Welch explains the science in Hubble's image of the gravitationally lensed supernova Rafsdal.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; Producer: James Leigh

  • Just four years after the discovery of Icarus, Hubble broke its own record by finding a more distant star, called Earendel, in a gravitational lens created by a huge galaxy cluster called WHL0137-08. The star sits in a ripple of spacetime (indicated by the dotted line) that produces extreme magnification, allowing Earendel to stand out against its host galaxy, which appears as a red arc. It took Earendel’s light 12.9 billion years to reach Earth, traveling at 186,000 miles per second (300,000 km per second). Hubble’s image captured the star as it appeared when the universe was only seven percent of its current age – within the first billion years after the universe’s birth in the big bang – making it the most distant individual star ever seen.


    NASA, ESA, Brian Welch (JHU), Dan Coe (STScI); Image Processing: Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
In this video, Dr. Brian Welch explains Hubble's image of the gravitationally lensed star Earendel.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; Producer: James Leigh

Hubble Science Highlights

Discover the breadth and depth of Hubble's exciting discoveries!

Hubble image left to right: Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune

Studying the Planets and Moons

Hubble’s systematic observations chart the ever-changing environments of our solar system’s planets and their moons. 

animation of a binary asteroid with a shifting tail

Tracking Evolution in the Asteroid Belt

These conglomerates of rock and ice may hold clues to the early solar system.

Three views of Pluto. Three mottled circles in colors of yellow, grey, rusty-orange, and black.

Uncovering Icy Objects in the Kuiper Belt

Hubble’s discoveries helped NASA plan the New Horizon spacecraft’s flyby of Pluto and beyond.

The Mystic Mountain is seen as a chaotic pillar of colorful gas and dust, narrowing toward the top of the image. The dust and gas is mostly yellow, brown, and orange, all jutting against a hazy purple and blue background with a few pink stars.

Exploring the Birth of Stars

Seeing ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared light helps Hubble uncover the mysteries of star formation.

Hubble image of the Crab Nebula

The Death Throes of Stars

When stars die, they throw off their outer layers, creating the clouds that birth new stars.

Thirty proplyds in a 6 by 5 grid. Each one is unique. Some look like tadpoles, others like bright points in a cloudy disk.

Finding Planetary Construction Zones

Hubble’s sensitivity uncovers the seeds of planets in enormous disks of gas and dust around stars.

Artist's impression of the ten hot Jupiter exoplanets. Two rows of exoplanet illustrations. There are 5 planets of varying sizes, colors, and atmospheric features in each row.

Recognizing Worlds Beyond Our Sun

Hubble can detect and measure the basic organic components for life on planets orbiting other stars

Hubble view of an expanding halo of light around star v838 monocerotis

Seeing Light Echoes

Like ripples on a pond, pulses of light reverberate through cosmic clouds forming echoes of light.

Hubble Ultra Deep Field image

Tracing the Growth of Galaxies

Hubble’s Deep Field observations are instrumental in tracing the growth of galaxies.

Comma shaped curved cloud of gases in bright white edged with bright-pink star forming regions, and threaded with rusty-brown tendrils of dust at center and throughout the comma shaped merger. All set against the black of deep space.

Galaxy Details and Mergers

Galaxies evolve through gravitational interaction with their neighbors, creating a menagerie of forms.

Hubble observations of galaxies' centers

Monster Black Holes are Everywhere

Supermassive black holes lie at the heart of nearly every galaxy.

Six Hubble images in a grid of three across and two down. Each is a gamma-ray burst in a host galaxy. The images are orange-red and white with hints of yellow.

Homing in on Cosmic Explosions

Hubble helps astronomers better understand and define some of the largest explosions in the universe.

Cepheid star in Andromeda galaxy (Hubble observations)

Discovering the Runaway Universe

Our cosmos is growing, and that expansion rate is accelerating.

A cluster of galaxies fills the frame. A purple glow around the largest concentrations of galaxies indicates the distribution of dark matter.

Shining a Light on Dark Matter

The gravitational pull of dark matter guides the formation of everything we can see in the universe.

Top: Three views going back in time show slices of the cosmos. Bottom: A computer simulated, 3-D map of the distribution of dark matter.

Mapping the Cosmic Web

Filaments and sheets of matter create an interconnected web that forms the large-scale structure of the universe.