For Planetary Science Researchers
Below are a variety of planetary science resources and references of use to both new PIs and those who have been through the process before. For more general SMD research information, click on the link below.
Proposer Tools
- Dual-Anonymous Peer Review (DAPR): To review proposals
- Fieldwork Resources for PSD Proposers: Proposers conducting field research must include a description of how the research plan addresses specified elements
- NASA High-End Computing Program: Delivering high-end computing systems and services to NASA's aeronautics, exploration, science, space technology missions
- NASA Research Coordination Networks (RCN): A mechanism for community collaboration
- No Due-Date Programs: Program elements in ROSES that do not have a fixed due date
- Program Officers: Points of contact for research programs, typically current or former ROSES program elements
- PSD Information and Data Management Policy: Supplement to SPD-41a
- PSD Science Nugget Submission Form: Highlight important science results from research and analysis and mission activities across PSD
- PSD Templates: For Planetary Science Division (Appendix C) ROSES Proposals
- Research Facilities: Planetary science enabling facilities, and facilities supported by Research and Analysis and other programs in PSD
Data and Curation
- Astromaterials Acquisition and Curation Office: Responsible for the curation of extraterrestrial samples from NASA's past and future sample return missions
- Planetary Data Ecosystem: Activities and products built upon and supporting data collected by planetary missions and research primarily funded by NASA
- Planetary Data System: Long-term archive of digital data products returned from NASA's planetary missions and other data acquisitions
- USGS-NASA Planetary Geologic Mapping Program: Produces high-quality, standardized geologic maps of planetary bodies and supports planetary science and mapping efforts
Planetary Community
- Analysis and Assessment Groups: NASA planetary science analysis and assessment groups (LPI)
- Open Science at NASA: NASA's long-term commitment to the sharing of software, data, and knowledge as early as possible in the scientific process
- Origins, Worlds, and Life: A Decadal Strategy for Planetary Science and Astrobiology 2023-2032
- Planetary Science Advisory Committee: PAC supports the advisory needs of PSD, SMD and other mission directorates, and the NASA Administrator
- Volunteer Reviewers: Information for subject matter experts who want to serve as volunteer reviewers