How to add team members
Adding Team Members: As always, you add a team member from any organization by choosing "Proposal Team" from the view proposal window (#1 below)
Next choose "Add Team Member" (See Fig 2, below)
and search them out in the database (3, below)
After you add this new person they will be on the list of team members, as was seen in figure 2. Any person on this list can now be added as personnel to your cover page budget by selecting Budget from the "View Proposal" window (Figure 1, above), and click the hypertext linked dollar value under "Key Person" (Fig. 4 below)
and then selecting 'Add New Person' (5, below). Once you have done this you can finally add in their time, and corresponding salary and fringe (see guide to NSPIRES budgets: CS labor in NSPIRES cover pages).
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