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Compass and Scale Images for ANGST Galaxies

Compass and Scale Images for ANGST Galaxies

About the Data

  • Data Description
    Data DescriptionProposal: A description of the observations, their scientific justification, and the links to the data available in the science archive.
    Science Team: The astronomers who planned the observations and analyzed the data. "PI" refers to the Principal Investigator.
    HST Proposal: 10915 J. Dalcanton (University of Washington), and collaborators.
  • Instrument
    InstrumentThe science instrument used to produce the data.
  • Exposure Dates
    Exposure DatesThe date(s) that the telescope made its observations and the total exposure time.
    September – December 2006
  • Filters
    FiltersThe camera filters that were used in the science observations.
    F475W (B), F606W (V), and F814W (I)
  • Object Name
    Object NameA name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object.
    ANGST Galaxy Survey, NGC 253, NGC 300, NGC 3077, NGC 4163
  • Object Description
    Object DescriptionThe type of astronomical object.
    Galaxies in the Local Volume
  • Release Date
    September 30, 2008
  • Science Release
    When It Comes to Galaxies, Diversity Is Everywhere
  • Credits
    Illustration: NASA, ESA, and Z. Levay (STScI); Science: NASA, ESA, J. Dalcanton and B. Williams (University of Washington)


  • 800 × 916
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  • 800 × 916
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Compass and Scale Images for ANGST Galaxies
Color Info
Color InfoA brief description of the methods used to convert telescope data into the color image being presented.

These images are a composite of separate exposures made by the ACS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope. Three filters were used to sample broad wavelength ranges. The color results from assigning different hues (colors) to each monochromatic image. In this case, the assigned colors are: Blue: F475W (B) Green: F606W (V) Red: F814W (I)

Compass and Scale
Compass and ScaleAn astronomical image with a scale that shows how large an object is on the sky, a compass that shows how the object is oriented on the sky, and the filters with which the image was made.



Last Updated
Mar 14, 2025

Claire Andreoli
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland