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Hubble's Galaxy Week

October 2 to October 7, 2023
Hubble shared one brand new galaxy image each day for a week!

A bright spiral galaxy fills the frame from the lower-right to the upper-left. The galaxy is tilted toward us and holds bright blue-white stars and reddish-brown dust lanes that showcase its spiral nature.

With more than 33 years in orbit and 1.5 million observations, Hubble’s data offers a wealth of information about the objects in our universe. We’ve combed through Hubble’s extensive archive looking for data that would give us interesting galaxy images to share. These are a few of our most recent images.

Hubble's Galaxy Week Images

A face-on spiral galaxy with bright, blue-white spiral arms and dark, reddish-brown dust lanes. A bright-white bar of stars extends through the center of the galaxy. Small, more distant, reddish galaxies are visible in the background.

Hubble Examines Entrancing Galaxy in Eridanus

NGC 685 is a barred spiral galaxy about 58 million light-years away from Earth

Splotches of bright-pink and blue-white fill the lower half of the image. A bright bar of white stars extends downward from top-center toward the left. Random areas of dusty clouds form dark streams against the bright backdrop.

Hubble’s Multi-Wavelength View of Recently-Released Webb Image

NGC 5068 is a barred spiral galaxy with thousands of star-forming regions located 20 million light-years from Earth.

This nearly face-on spiral galaxy has bright blue-white and pink regions outlined by dark, rusty-brown dust lanes. A small, bright-white bar of stars stretches horizontally across the image’s center at the galaxy’s heart.

Hubble Captures Starry Cetus Constellation Galaxy

Barred spiral galaxy, NGC 1087, is 80 million light-years away from Earth.

A nearly face-on spiral galaxy with a bright-white core with two dark, orange-brown dust lanes swirling out from it. Those dust lanes extend into the galaxy’s spiral arms where bright, blue-white pockets of stars and hazy clouds define the spiral.

Stellar Sights in this New Hubble Galaxy Snapshot

The intermediate spiral galaxy, NGC 6951, is 78 million light-years away from Earth.

Black background dotted with galaxies. A large, nearly edge-on galaxy fills the right side of the frame. Its dusty, orangish-brown silhouette extends from center-bottom to the upper-right while its bright-white, lens-shaped glow extends above and below its dust lane.

Hubble Records Rare Radio Galaxy

The lenticular galaxy NGC 612 is about 400 million light-years from Earth and has a mass of around 1.1 trillion times that of our Sun.

A bright spiral galaxy fills the frame from the lower-right to the upper-left. The galaxy is tilted toward us and holds bright blue-white stars and reddish-brown dust lanes that showcase its spiral nature.

Hubble Views A Vibrant Virgo Cluster Galaxy

Spiral galaxy NGC 4654 is around 55 million light-years from Earth.

Hubble’s Field Guide to Galaxies will help you identify these star-filed splendors in all of their magnificent forms. Credit: NASA GSFC; Lead Producer: Miranda Chabot; Lead Writer: Andrea Gianopoulos

Learn More About Galaxies

A spiral galaxy seen from overhead, with its two major arms spiraling out from its bright white core. At the end of the arm on the right is another bright white blob, this is a second galaxy. The arms are bluish and purple, peppered with countless stars.

Hubble’s Galaxies

These collections of stars, planets, gas, dust, and dark matter are the visible foundation of the universe.

The field of view is filled with galaxies in all shapes, sizes, colors, and galaxy types. All against a black backdrop.

Tracing the Growth of Galaxies

Hubble is instrumental in uncovering the various stages of galactic evolution.

Comma shaped curved cloud of gases in bright white edged with bright-pink star forming regions, and threaded with rusty-brown tendrils of dust at center and throughout the comma shaped merger. All set against the black of deep space.

Galaxy Details and Mergers

Hubble’s observations reveal a menagerie of galaxies.

Lower left corner: Hubble sits looking toward the upper-right corner where there is a spiral galaxy. Between the two is an image of a large galaxy cluster. Lines drawn from the spiral at upper-right to Hubble illustrate the gravitational lens created by the galaxy cluster.

Shining a Light on Dark Matter

Hubble’s observations of galaxy clusters help us uncover the underlying structure of the universe.

Learn how we make these beautiful images from Hubble data.