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Templates for Heliophysics Division (Appendix B) ROSES proposals

Proposers to all ROSES opportunities in Appendix B (Heliophysics), are strongly encouraged to use the templates for Current and Pending Support for PIs and all Co-Is, regardless of time commitment and the templates for summary table of work effort and the "Open Science and Data Management Plan" (formerly the Data Management Plan).

1. Open Science and Data Management Plans

The requirements regarding archiving of data, software, and publications were strengthened last year, e.g., 1) As-accepted manuscript versions of publications that derive from ROSES awards must be publicly available at the time of publication; 2) Data and software developed using ROSES funding in support of a peer-reviewed publication shall be made publicly available at the time of publication; 3) Scientifically useful data and software developed during the award that was not already published must be made publicly available by the end of the award. See Section 1.6 of B.1 The Heliophysics Research Program Overview and the OSDMP FAQ at Data, model results, and other information created with NASA funding are subject to NASA’s Heliophysics Division Science Data Management Policy.

Most proposals require an "Open Science and Data Management Plan" (OSDMP) that presents your plans for the sharing of data, software, and publications. Appendix B of ROSES (and program elements F.3 Exoplanets Research and F.4 Habitable Worlds which are jointly run by planetary and Heliophysics) the OSDMP must be included in the proposal PDF in a special two-page section immediately following the references and citations for the S/T/M portion of the proposal.

In ROSES-25 we anticipate that there will be a single SMD-wide template for the OSDMP and these templates will no longer be used and will be taken down.

OSDMP Template for ROSES-24:

2. Launch Accommodation Worksheet for Heliophysics Flight Opportunities in Research and Technology

A launch accommodation worksheet must be filled out and included as part of the proposal pdf by proposers to Heliophysics Flight Opportunities in Research who are requesting a cubesat or small sat. The filled out worksheet is to be included in the proposal PDF file directly following the data management plan. Questions regarding this launch accommodation worksheet may be directed to Dan Moses and Amy Winebarger.

Launch Accommodation Worksheet 112420.docx

Launch Accommodation Worksheet 112420_TAGGED.pdf

3. Current and Pending Support templates

Current and pending support is required for the PI and Co-Is who would devote >10% of their time in any given year to the proposed work. Proposers are now expected to use the new NASA grants policy provided format for current and pending support (docx). See the grants policy list of requirements for what to include (PDF). A video from NASA grants policy on this topic is available at The new forms require signatures, but electronic signatures sometimes lock the PDF file and those may cause problems with NSPIRES. PDF files for NSPIRES must be unlocked and searchable (not scanned images). The uploaded versions shall include beneath any certification text a written or typed signature including a name and date. Original versions (hardcopy or digital) shall be kept by the proposing entity (see NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreement Manual).

4. Space Weather Centers of Excellence Quad Chart Template

The SWxCOE Quad is a required submission for all Space Weather Centers of Excellence proposers. A PowerPoint template of this quad can be found below. Please direct any questions to Jesse Woodroffe.

Space Weather Centers of Excellence Quad Chart Template (PPTX)

Heliophysics point of contact: Matthew McClure