White Papers
These whitepapers have been submitted by the scientific community and will be reviewed by the Decadal Survey Committee and Panels. Their recommendations are anticipated to be released no earlier than summer 2023.
Quantum Science
Topical White Papers
- A Case for Quantum Memories in Space
- A New Description of Dark Matter
- Advanced Tests of Fundamental Physics with State-of-the-Art Optical Clocks/Two-Way Time Links in Space
- AEDGE: Atomic Experiment for Dark Matter and Gravity Exploration in Space
- Atomic Dark Energy Detection in Space
- Big-Bang-Universe, a Black-Hole-Singularity in Pre-Big-Bang-Universe
- Big-Bang-Universe-Inflation, Resulting from the Black-Hole-Collapse- to-apparent-singularity, with Black-Hole-Formation in Pre-Big-Big-Bang-Universe
- Blue-detuned Box Potentials for Earth-bound and Spaceborne Quantum Gases
- Calcium Beam Optical Clock for Space-Based Precision Metrology
- Clocks are Foundational - Cross Cutting Technology Investments for Navigation and Science
- Coherent Matter Waves in Extended Free Fall
- Compact Ultrastable Lasers Supporting Fundamental Physics in Space
- Computation as a Vital Tool to Enable Quantitative Predictions of Many-Body Physics of Ultracold Atoms in Bose-Einstein Condensate
- Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Dynamics of the Universe Dark Side of Special Relativity and Space-Time
- Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Fate of the Universe
- Dark Energy, Dark Matter with Structure Evolution of the Universe
- Development of Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics-Based Technologies for Reaching Ultimate Limits in the Fundamental Physics Experiments in Space
- Distributed Clock/Sensor Networks in Space for Fundamental Physics
- Earth-based platforms for microgravity research on ultra-cold atom devices for space applications
- Entangled sources for atom interferometers and atomic clocks in space
- Exploring tunneling physics with interacting quantum gases in microgravity
- Frequency Comb Based Optical Time Transfer
- Frequency Combs for Aerospace Applications
- Fundamental Physics and Lunar Science Investigations with Advanced Lunar Laser Ranging
- Fundamental Physics and Opportunities with Ultracold Quantum Droplets in Space
- Fundamental Physics with Strongly Interacting Ultracold Matter in Microgravity
- Gravitational Decoherence in Deep Space Experiments
- Gravitational Wave Detection with Asteroids
- Gravitational wave detection with optical atomic clocks in space
- Gravity Probe Spin - Precessing Magnet in Space
- Ground-based Research to Improve Future Atomic Clocks and Interferometers for Fundamental Physics in Space
- High Performance Vapor Cell Raman Clock Development for Space Applications
- Long-baseline Quantum Teleportation: Towards Earth-Moon Distances
- Lunar Accelerometer Network Gravitational Observatory (LANGO)
- Lunar Gravitational-wave Detection
- Molecular Toolkit for Fundamental Physics and Interferometry in Microgravity
- Next Generation Lunar Laser Retroreflectors for Fundamental Physics and Lunar Science
- Optical Frequency Combs for Space Applications: A White Paper for the Decadal Survey on Biological and Physical Sciences Research in Space 2023-2032
- Probing the Quantum Nature of Gravity in the Microgravity of Space
- Quantum Atomic Matter Near Novel Two-Dimensional Materials in Microgravity
- Quantum Bubbles in Microgravity
- Quantum Clock Synchronization for Future NASA Deep Space Quantum Links and Fundamental Science
- Quantum Correlations and Foundations of Quantum Field Theory in Deep Space Experiments
- Quantum Enhanced Very Long Baseline Interferometry (QE-VLBI)
- Quantum Equivalence Critical Radii and Anthropic Extreme-Interstellar Object Rare Events Coupling
- Quantum Memories for Fundamental Physics in Space
- Quantum technologies in space
- Quantum Tests of Gravity with Entangled Atom Interferometry
- Rydberg atoms for fundamental physics in space
- Search for dark matter with orbiting atomic clocks
- Short-Range Measurements of the Gravitational Inverse Square Law in the Micro-gravity Environment
- Space Clocks and Space VLBI
- Space Quantum Fields create Interactions, Matter and Gravity as Directional Linked Space, Inflation Expansion due to Quantum Phase Change to Subpixels
- Space-based Measurement of Neutron Lifetime
- Space-borne Clocks for Geodetic Applications
- Space-Time Referencing: Atomic Clocks, Laser Links and Applications
- Suitcase Science Case for Astronomical Lunar Optical Interferometry
- Testing General Relativity and Measuring Geopotential Beyond the State-of-the-Art with Optical Clocks
- Testing Gravitational Time Delay Predictions of General Relativity
- The Nature of Nothing: Exploring the quantum vacuum in microgravity
- The Origin of Matter and Atomic Chemical Affinity in The Universe
- Towards gravity's frontiers
- Tractor atom interferometer for fundamental physics and space science applications
Research Campaign White Papers
- Big-Bang-Universe, A Black-Hole In Pre-Big-Bang-Universe
- Big-Bang-Universe-Inflation, Resulting from the Black-Hole-Collapse- to-apparent-singularity, with Black-Hole-Formation in Pre-Big-Big-Bang-Universe
- Detection of Ultralight Dark Matter and Spatial Variation of Fundamental Constants with Space Quantum Sensors
- Extending the limits of Bose Condensates in space
- Exploring the Quantum World with a Third Generation Ultra-cold Atom Facility
- Fundamental Physics, Electrostatics, and Imaging Facility (FEIF)
- Fundamental Physics with a State-of-the-Art Optical Clock in Space
- Gravity Probe and Dark Energy Detection Mission (GDM)
- Global Time and Frequency Transfer for Clock-Based Fundamental Physics Tests
- Lunar Accelerometer Network Gravitational Observatory (LANGO)
- Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna
- Lunar Optical Astronomical Interferometry
- Macroscopic Quantum Resonators (MAQRO)
- Optical Atomic Clock aboard an Earth-orbiting Space Station (OACESS)
- Photonic Integrated Circuits for Atomic Sensors in Space Observatories/Operations (PICASSO)
- Probing the Cosmic Dark Ages with the Lunar Crater Radio Telescope
- Quantum Optics in the Regime of General Relativity - The Deep Space Quantum Link (DSQL)
- Quantum Test of the Universality of Free Fall in Earth's Orbit
- Satellite Quantum Test of the Universality of Free Fall
- Space Networks of Trapped-Ion Optical Clocks for Fundamental Physics
- Space Quantum Fields create Interactions, Matter and Gravity as Directional Linked Space, Inflation Expansion due to Quantum Phase Change to Subpixels
- The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory
- The identity of dark energy and dark matter in the universe.
Thriving in Deep Space (TIDES)
Topical White Papers
- A Vision for the Next Generation of Spaceflight Microbiology: Human Health and Habitat Sustainability
- 3D Tissue Chips for Space Biology Studies
- A Dedicated, Long Duration Balloon Mission from Antarctica to Study the Effects of Low Dose Galactic Cosmic Radiation on Biology
- A Systemic Solution: Translating Origin of Life Protocell Mechanisms into a Novel Research Method for Microgravity, Space Science, Technology, & Earth
- Advancing Space Life Science Research Using Drosophila Melanogaster
- Altered Metabolism Associated with Muscle Wasting During Spaceflight
- Appropriate Shoes to be Used in Spatial Shuttles
- Assessment of Contamination Potential of Spacecraft Surface Microbes Using the Metagenomic Data
- Astroimmunology: Uncovering Neutrophil Biology and Function in Spaceflight
- Biologically Facilitated Processes Towards Sustainable Space Exploration
- Co-leveraging Scientific Advances in Space Biology and Astrobiology Towards Achieving NASA’s Life Science Objectives
- Concept for New National Student Challenges to Innovate Tech-nology-Assisted Space Medicine for and After the NASA Artemis Program
- Development of Medical Capabilities and Technologies for Health Monitoring, Diagnostics, and Treatment During Human Exploration Spaceflight
- Development of New Algorithms for Space Biology
- Dust from Astronauts and Space Habitats (DASH): Implications on Long Term Space Missions
- Elevating the Use of Genetic Engineering to Support Sustainable Plant Agriculture for Human Space Exploration
- Enabling a Precision Health System for Deep Space Exploration
- Engineered Human Tissues and Humanized Mice to Individualize Risk Calculations and Countermeasure Use
- Enhancement and Retention of Space Bioscientists and Students
- Gaining Insights from Omics Data Using Artificial Intelligence in Space Crop Production
- Gravity as a Continuum
- Ground and Flight-Based Plant Microbial Interaction Research and Related Space Crop Production Applications
- Growing Plants Under Altered Gravity
- Human Organs-on-a-chip Platforms for Developing Countermeasures to Space Radiation
- In situ chemical investigation of biological systems with laser-based Mass Spectrometry for the Artemis mission
- Mammalian Multi-generational Studies in Space
- Microbial Food Safety in Space Production Systems
- Microbiology of Horizontal Gene Transfer and Microgravity Biofilms
- Mitigation and Use of Biofilms in Space for the Benefit of Human Space Exploration
- MRET Activated Water as Dietary Countermeasures to Mitigate Cancer Risk from Space Radiation.
- Noninvasive Measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Autoregulation (AR) and Intracranial Pressure (ICP) with Rheoencephalography (REG
- Omics and Open Science: A Platorm and Approach for the Future for Space Biology
- Optimizing the Accessibility and Usage of Astronaut Omics Data Across the Scientific Community via GeneLab
- Plant Quantitative Genomics in the Spaceflight Environment
- Quantitative Biology Accelerates Ecosystems Evolution for Sustained Spaceflights
- Recommendations for Spaceflight Research to Enable Crop Plant Growth Systems for Exploration
- Revealing the Role of Genetics in the Adaptation of Mammals to Spaceflight Factors
- Reverse Translation Strategies to Support Cognitive and Behavioral Risk Characterization
- Smart Theragnostic Cognitive-Emotional Restructuring for Space- Related Neuropsychiatric Disease and Injury
- Solutions to Some Health Problems
- Space and Radiation Research Crisis in the Life Sciences: Where are the Experts to Ensure Health and Well-Being in Future Space Travel?
- Space Travel and Personalized Medicine: The Critical Value of the “Astronaut-on-a-Chip†Platform
- Spaceflight Food System: Impacts to Nutritional Adequacy, Health, Performance, and Resources in Space Exploration
- Stem Cell-Based Tissue Regenerative Health in Space
- Studying impacts of gravity on essential microbe-animal interactions in analogue and real nonterran environments
- Synthetic Torpor as a Strategy for Survivability of Long Duration Human Exploration Missions: The Need for Fundamental Investigations in Rodents
- The closed-loop plant-based low-gravity biorefinery based on recent developments in cellulosic nanotechnology - from seeds to construction components
- The Creation of the Woman and Genetics
- The Impact of the Schumann Resonance on Biological Cells
- The Impact of the Schumann Resonances on Physiology, Ground-based Investigations to Support Human and Mammalian Studies Beyond Low Earth Orbit
- The Impact of Weightlessness on Lymphatic and Endothelial Glycocalyx Function; A New Era in Ground Based Spaceflight and Weightlessness Research
- The Importance of Complex Human in vitro Models to Future Human Spaceflight
- The Need for Biological Countermeasures to Mitigate the Risk of Space Radiation-Induced Carcinogenesis.
- The role of study cell senescence in organoid bioprinting for Artemis Missions and sustainability of Human Lunar Exploration
- The Study of Partial Gravity Effects on Animal Physiology
- Tissue Macrophages Relevant to Spaceflight, Fundamental Understanding Needed to Support the Artemis Program and Deep Space Exploration
- Topical campaign for the interactional effects of human long-duration spaceflight hazards under conditions of time-delayed communication.
- Topical: Intelligent Meta-Learning Inferential Social Robotic and Virtual Space-Medicine Clinicians
- Topical: Liver, immune and stem cell function during spaceflight exposure
- Topical: The case for a set of "best practices" in regolith-based agriculture applied to bioregenerative food systems
- Toxicity of Lunar Dust to Human and Other Biological Systems: Enabling Safe Lunar Exploration
- Use of Human Three-Dimensional Tissue and Organ Model Systems to Assess Radiation Risk and Develop Countermeasures
- Viruses as Modulators of Cellular Metabolism: Implications for Human Health and Life-Support Systems in Space
- Volumetric Aerogel with fortified Protein, Vitamins, Enzymes Nutrients - Aerogel based Deep Space Food, Electromagnetic Artificial Gravity, Yoga,
Research Campaign White Papers
- Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Space Plant Production
- Bioregenerative Life Support Systems: Coordinated Research into Organisms, Technology and Systems Integration
- Gene Edited Mammal Organs with CollagenIIIAerogelFoamScaffold Slices in Micro-Gravity LayerbyLayer Biofabrication for Replacing Human Organs
- GenSpaceBase
- Human Research Program for Civilians in the Commercialization of Space
- Impact of Long-Term Space Flight on Host Physiology and Health
- Integrative Investigation on Microbial Systems of the International Space Station
- International Partnership Opportunities in a Lunar Surface Plant Production Demonstrator
- Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Modeling for the Next Decade of Space Biology Research and Astronaut Health Support
- Magnetic Gravity Simulator, Protecting Human Health
- Microbial reference missions and open science to accelerate Space Biology investigations
- NASA Biological and Physical Sciences High-Quality Cell and Tissue Cultures in Microgravity
- New technology to protect astronauts from zero gravity diseases
- "Omics" technologies and end-to-end workflows for space-based platforms
- Open Science for the Next Decade of Life and Physical Sciences Research for Deep Space Exploration
- Plant and Phytopathogen Interactions in Altered Gravities: Integrated Research into the Stability of Plant-Based Crop Production Systems in Space.
- Plants as Chemical Factories Supporting Sustainable Human Exploration in Space
- Research Campaign: Artemis III
- Rodent Research in Space: A Decadal Research Campaign
- Sensory Transcriptomics: Transcriptomics as Versatile On-site Sensors During Spaceflight, Moon, and Mars Missions
- Space Biology Reference Experiment Campaigns for High Fidelity Plant Physiology
- Space Crop Production System to Enable Long Duration Human Exploration Missions Beyond Low Earth Orbit
- Space Environmental Effects on Microbial Growth and Survival
- Telemetry-based Biology for the Artemis Era and Beyond
- The Three-Body Problem of Human Factors in the Space Environment
- Twin Orbit - A Revolutionary Long-Duration Spaceflight Twins Study
- Understanding the Role of the Human Evolutionary Environment in Psychological and Performance Risks of Human Spaceflight
- Volumetric Aerogel based Concentrated fortified Protein, Vitamins, Enzymes Nutrients Inclusion Aerogel based Space Food Electromagnetic Exercises
- What to Take? When to Make? How to Break Even? Avoid Mistakes in Microbial Biomanufacturing in Support of Human Near-to-Deep-Space Exploration
Soft Matter
Topical White Papers
- A Scientific Rationale for 3D Bio-Printing of Soft Matter in Microgravity in Deep-Space Exploration Using Electric-Field-Assisted Direct Ink Writing
- Active Particle and Active Matter Research in Space
- Active Patterning and Structure Formation – Self-limiting Assembly, Actuation, and Integration
- Anthropic Regeneration Limits and a Tight Characteristic Scale of Weak Interactions
- Considerations for Use of Low-Temperature Gas Plasmas for Mitigation of Biofilms in Microgravity Environments
- Coupling Non-Newtonian Interfacial and Bulk Flows in Reduced Gravity
- Critical Point Investigations using Complex Plasmas in a Microgravity Environment
- Designing Programmable Soft Matter Via Phase Separation and Nucleic Acid-based Nanotechnology
- Determining Properties of the Plasma Just Above the Lunar Surface
- Dust-Plasma Science Investigations and Their Relevance to Lunar Exploration
- Effects of Reduced Gravity on the Granular Fluid-solid Transition: Underexplored Forces Can Dominate Soft Matter Behaviors
- Fluid Gradients for Self-assembly: A Brief Argument for the Continued Exploration of Liquid Crystal Flows and Electrodeposition in Microgravity
- Fluids: Liquid Crystals
- Fundamental Materials Research Nucleation Investigation and Control - The Next Decade and Beyond in Space Materials and Soft Matter Research
- Grand Challenges in Soft Matter Science: Prospects for Microgravity Research
- How to Limit the Protons Impacts on the Shuttles Devices?
- Hunting for the Elusive Glassy State of Complex Plasmas
- Inorganic Crystal Growth in a Reduced Gravity Environment
- Mechanical Metamaterials, Topological Soft Matter: Allostery and Auxetics
- Mechanism for the Establishment of a National Microgravity Dusty Plasma Program
- Micro/Nanaomachines and Soft Active Matter in Zero-gravity: The Next Decade and Beyond In-Space Small Machines, Robots and Soft Active Matter Research
- Opportunities for Soft Matter Research in Space
- Self-Organization, Self-Assembly, and Self-Propulsion- Laying the Foundations for Active and Adaptive Soft Matter and Hierarchical Materials
- Soft Matter - The Next Decade and Beyond in space Materials Research
- Soft Matter, Bioscience, and Biotechnology
- Soft Reconfigurable Metamaterials
- Studying Dusty Complex Plasma Under Reduced Gravity Condition COMPACT A Complex Plasma Facility for the ISS
- Superparamagnetic Dusty Plasma Experiments in Microgravity
- Suspensions, Foams, Emulsions, Colloids, and Granular Materials
- Synthetic Electrokinetically Active Colloids: A Facile and Versatile Platform for Microgravity Investigations of Collective Behavior and Interactions
- The Need for High Accuracy Dust Charge Measurements
- The Need for International and National Inter-Agency Cooperation for Support of Reduced-Gravity Research in Dusty Plasma
- Using the International Space Station as a Testbed to Research 3D Printing of Foams
Research Campaign White Papers
- Automation and Artificial Intelligence for Materials Research in Low Earth Orbit
- Development of Soft Matter Wet Lab and Analytical Capability in LEO Destination
- Grand Challenges in Soft Matter Science Campaign: Prospects for Microgravity Research
- Life based on Liquids other than Water on Freezing Water Environments like Gas Giants or Life based on Molten metal Oxides on very hot Planet
- Lunar Dust and Plasma Research Lab
- Non-Equilibrium Matter - Underpinning Transformational Advances In Materials For Applications Spanning Space Exploration To Biomedicine
Transformative Engineering
Topical White Papers
- A Combined Active and Passive G-Insensitive Enhanced Micro-nucleation Rate Flow- and Pool Boiling Approach
- Additive Manufacturing of Steel on Mars and the Moon Enabled by In-Situ Resource Utilization
- Artificial Gravity on the Moon and the Formation of the Atmosphere of a Planet
- Boiling, Condensation and Two-Phase Flows in Microgravity
- Challenges and Research Needs for Micro- and Partial-Gravity Fires
- Continuous Online Measuring and Imaging of Multiphase Flows in Micro-gravity Using Non-invasive, Light Weight Capacitance Based Technology
- Cryogenic Experiments Using Simulant Fluids
- Developing Architected Materials for Controlling Fluid Flow and Interfaces
- Droplet Combustion in Microgravity
- Electrically Driven Liquid Film Flow Boiling
- Electrostatic Dust Removal From Spacesuits
- Electrostatic Dust Transport and Its Effect on Human Exploration on the Surface of the Moon
- Enabling Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer in Low Gravity Using Novel Surfaces Enhancements
- Flame Vortex Interactions
- Fundamental and Applied Microgravity Capillary Flows, Phenomena, and Transport
- Low and Intermediate Temperature Chemistry in Cool and Warm Flames
- Manufacturing from Regolith
- Microgravity Additive Manufacturing
- Numerical Modeling of Boiling and Two Phase Flow Under Microgravity Conditions
- Permanent Low-Earth Orbit Testbed for Welding and Joining: A Path Forward for the Commercialization of Space
- Phase Change Processes for Thermal Management Systems and Science Investigations
- Predictive Capabilities for Multiphase Flows in Extreme Environments
- Properties of the Khumalon and the Future of Magnetism Including Propulsion
- Recommendations for Fire Extinguisher Research for Crewed Missions
- Research Questions and Challenges for Improved Spacecraft Fire Detection
- Saving Energy in Satellites and Detection by Cameras from the Moon
- Solid Fuel Combustion in Partial and Micro-Gravity
- Space Electric Source
- Spacecraft Materials Fire Safety
- Supercritical Water Oxidation - Microgravity Research
- Thermal Fluids Research and Development Relevant to Oscillating Heat Pipes
- To explore the Lunar Habitability through the harnessing of Lunar Energy
- Topical: Investigation of Flow Boiling and Flow Condensation Configurations to Benefit Future Space Missions
- Towards All Solid State Heat Pipes
- Tunable Surfaces and Interfaces for Radiative Control on Space Exploration Vehicles and Habitats
Research Campaign White Papers
- Advanced Manufacturing in Space: Properties, Structure and Simulations to Pioneer New Applications
- A New NASA Flagship Facility: PRECISE Proton Radiation Environmentally Controlled Investigations for Space Exploration
- Beyond the ISS: Support for Research Campaigns on Axiom Station
- Combustion under Trans-Critical Conditions
- Cosmic Ray Harvester, Protecting Solar System Environment
- Electromagnetically Induced Simulated Artificial Gravity for Astronauts, with Proportioned Electromagnetic Clothing Wear Electromagnetic Walk Track
- Gateway Logistics Mission For Artemis IV: Opportunity For A Keystone Biological And Physical Science Mission For Next Decade And Beyond
- In-Situ, Resilient, and Sustainable Moon-to-Mars Construction
- It's all about fluids
- Kinetic, physical, and thermochemical properties of fuels for recalcitrant transportation sectors
- Night-Time Power Delivery to Lunar Outposts with a High-Power Ground-Based Laser Array
- Overcoming the Scientific Challenges of Microgravity Two-Phase Flow for the Development of Transformative Zero-Boil-Off Cryogenic Propellant Storage and Transfer
- Physical Sciences Ground-Based Research Campaign
- Renewable Energy for Spacecraft Propulsion and Operations
- Space Bioprocess Engineering on the Horizon
- The Sciences of Space Manufacturing
- Use of Nanobubbles for Enhanced Gas-Liquid Contacting in Spaceflight Environments
Topical White Papers
- A Dedicated Lunar Laboratory for Transformational Biological and Physical Sciences Investigations
- A Language Bootstrap for Space Situation Awareness and New Horizons Life by BH Photon Ring Universal Features
- A New Limit To The Core Mass in Stars With M ³ 2M
- Biological and Physical Sciences Outreach
- Comparison of Ground Based Microgravity Research Facilities
- Data Science Applications for Planetary Protection
- Development of a NASA Space Stressors Laboratory (NSSL) Leveraging Existing Resources
- Digital Transformation of Scientific Data Management to Increase Investigation Transparency, Reproducibility, and Efficiency and Data Re-use
- Disabled People: A Quarter of the Population, Yet Often Overlooked In Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Discussions and Efforts
- Ground-based Drop Tower Incubator Program
- High Throughput Ground-Based Reduced-Gravity testing
- How to Reduce the Heating of the Earth Atmosphere?
- Investigations of Particle Emission from Spacecraft Using a Combination of New On ground and In space (CubeSat) Experiments, and Predictive Models
- Life Based on Liquids Other Than Water on Freezing Water Environments like Gas Giants Liquid NH3 or Liquid CH4 or Liquid Hydrocarbons Liquid CO2
- Linked and semantic data retrieval
- Mapping of Localized Magnetic Anomalies on the Moon Using Nanophase Iron
- Mars North Pole Water Ice Cap Mission
- Microgravity Science Database Development
- New Shuttle Technology
- Packings, Simulations, and Big Data
- Proton-beam Facilities for Biological, Materials, and Technology Research
- The Creation of the Universe through Coriolis Effect and Disc Accretion
- The Existence of God and Physics